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The A Home For All initiative goes beyond individual programs to create a community where homelessness is rare, brief,
and nonrecurring and every person has access to permanent, affordable housing and the resources to sustain it.


Developed from extensive research, data analysis and strategic collaboration among 250+ organizations and stakeholders, A Home For All is an initiative designed to address all aspects of homelessness and housing instability to ensure every individual and family has a stable roof over their head. Mecklenburg County leaders selected United Way of Greater Charlotte to lead implementation and the organization convenes Implementation Teams and a Technical Committee to drive progress for the initiative. 

Stay Informed & Get Involved

Show your support for A Home For All and create lasting impact in this community by connecting on Facebook and Instagram (@ahome4allmeck), spreading the word in your networks and signing up for the newsletter below!

A Deep Dive: The Implementation Plan

For a more comprehensive look at A Home For All’s history, early stakeholders, priority initiatives and relevant case studies from other U.S. cities, we have made the full Implementation Plan available for your review. This is a data-driven analysis of the challenges we face as a community and the strategic approach that we are taking to address them.

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For more local data and statistics, new research, information on local initiatives and a blog that provides an analysis of local data, visit the Housing & Homelessness Dashboard. The Housing & Homelessness Dashboard helps to engage and empower the community to use the data to drive decisions and understand impact.

CLICK HERE to access the Mecklenburg County Street Outreach Referral Form. Use this form if you see a person or group you believe to be unsheltered and the Street Outreach teams will do their best to have a Street Outreach worker engage with them.

The Latest

Sign up to receive A Home For All updates in United Way’s monthly newsletter, United Voices, and special announcements.

For questions about A Home For All, please email ahomeforall@unitedwaygreaterclt.org.