United Way of Greater Charlotte is pleased to grant usage of its brandmark (logo) to companies or organizations that conduct a workplace campaign, or have a funding relationship or community partnership with United Way. Please observe the usage rules listed below the logos when co-branding your company with United Way.

211 LOGO
Download the logos and guide below. The brand guide provides an overview of NC 211 branding, including logo usage, color palette, and font choices. When including NC 211 in your local United Way’s marketing materials, please refer to this guide.
- The United Way brandmark is a registered trademark. Please review the Brand Identity Guidlines before using these images.
- Use only the colors shown on this page; do not imprint the United Way logo in any other colors.
- The words “United Way of Greater Charlotte” should always appear with the brandmark, in the exact position and typeface shown.
- The box surrounding the brandmark is part of the image and should not be removed.
- At all times the logo must be clearly visible and distinctive. Do not print words or images over the logo, screen the logo to use as a background, or render it as a transparent or watermarked image.
- Do not print or display the logo smaller than one inch wide. If you need to resize the image, it must retain its original proportions.
- Do not separate the elements within the logo. For example, the hand, rainbow and person icons need to remain within the logo together and unaltered.
- When writing about United Way, do not use “the United Way”. It needs to be “United Way”.
Logos for various United Way and partner programs and initiatives are available upon request.