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Why Voting for the Housing Bond Matters for Strengthening Housing in Charlotte 

As residents of Charlotte, we have an opportunity this year to vote for a bond that can directly impact the future of our neighborhoods and the people who call this place home. The Housing Bond represents a shared solution to some of our community’s most pressing challenges. Here’s why casting your vote in favor of the bond is vital to addressing our community’s growing need for affordable housing. 

Addressing Housing Affordability 

One of the most urgent issues facing Charlotte is affordable housing. As home prices and rents continue to rise, many families find themselves struggling to secure stable housing. This bond includes a significant focus on affordable housing, which will expand access for people from all walks of life—teachers, service workers, young professionals, and more.  

The proposed $100 million bond for Charlotte outlines strategic investments to address the region’s housing challenges, directly supporting the goals of A Home For All, the community-wide plan to address homelessness and housing instability.  

Here are examples of how the city proposes to use the Housing Trust Fund Bond: 

  • Rental Housing Production: Funds will be used to build new multi-family housing, including mixed-use and mixed-income projects, and produce “missing middle” housing like Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs). This will increase affordable alternatives in established neighborhoods. 
  • Homeownership Initiatives: This investment will help create new homeownership production and provide down payment assistance for first-time buyers, making homeownership more accessible. It will also support home acquisition, rehabilitation, and resale through a revolving loan fund. 
  • Rental Housing Preservation and Anti-Displacement Efforts: By acquiring and rehabilitating naturally occurring affordable housing (NOAH), and supporting local property providers, this allocation aims to preserve affordable rentals and prevent displacement in gentrifying areas. 
  • Supportive Housing and Shelter Capacity: These funds will expand shelter capacity and permanent supportive housing for individuals in need, addressing homelessness and transitional housing needs through single-use and scattered-site developments. 
  • Housing Rehabilitation and Emergency Repairs: This will support emergency repairs and rehab efforts, allowing current homeowners to stay in safe, stable housing. 
  • Innovation Pilot Fund: Dedicated to testing new approaches, this fund will support pilot programs that reflect innovation approaches to affordability or test new ideas to address emerging and unique community needs.  
  • Site Acquisition for Future Growth: To ensure future developments remain connected to transit and growth areas, these funds will be used for acquiring land in strategic locations. 

These investments are aligned with A Home For All’s mission to increase housing options, prevent displacement, and create a more equitable and sustainable housing market by identifying gaps and needs for innovation to strengthen the overall system . By expanding affordable housing production, supporting homeownership, and preventing displacement, this bond will help ensure that everyone in Charlotte has access to safe, affordable housing. 

The Power of Your Vote 

By voting for the bond, you have the chance to directly influence the future of Charlotte. Let’s come together as a community and seize this moment to strengthen our housing system.  

For more information, you can visit the campaign’s website at Vote Yes for Bonds