Why Voting for the Housing Bond Matters for Strengthening Housing in Charlotte
Here’s why casting your vote in favor of the bond is vital to addressing our community’s growing need for affordable housing.
Navigating United Neighborhoods: North Mecklenburg
This blog series dives deeper into the history of each United Neighborhoods community and highlights the residents and community quarterbacks that fuel the vision for the future.
Letter from Kathryn Firmin-Sellers, Interim President & CEO
Available resources and ways to support Western North Carolina in the aftermath of Hurricane Helene.
Navigating United Neighborhoods: I-85/Sugar Creek Corridor
This blog series dives deeper into the history of each United Neighborhoods community and highlights the residents and community quarterbacks that fuel the vision for the future.
A Home For All by the Numbers
This blog is part of an educational series connected to A Home For All, a community-wide effort to address homelessness and housing instability in Charlotte-Mecklenburg.
Announcing United Way’s CEO Search Partner and Next Steps
Bill Currens, Vice Chair of United Way's Board of Directors, provides an update on the CEO search.
Supporting ESL communities in Charlotte
The latest Team United post is from Susana Gonzalez, Neighborhood Relationship Manager, talking about her work with English as a Second Language communities.
Community Leadership: Ada Jenkins Center
Community Leadership is a series of posts that highlight Community Quarterbacks from each United Neighborhoods geography.
Get Involved: Board Member Training and Speed-Networking with Nonprofits
United Way is hosting two events for volunteers to equip them with the skills and knowledge needed to make a lasting impact.
United Voices: An Interview with Board Member Dr. Rhett Brown
This United Voices interview is part of a series featuring community leaders sharing their expertise, passion and involvement across the greater Charlotte region.