United Way’s 28th Annual Day of Caring Brings Together More Than 800 Union County Neighbors in Service
Volunteer teams complete over 90 projects across Union County
More than 800 volunteers across the community joined United Way of Central Carolinas to celebrate the 28th annual United Way Union County Day of Caring on Saturday, Aug. 28.
With nearly three decades of neighbors helping neighbors, the event illustrates the power of uniting volunteers, organizations and resources to make a difference in our community. This year, volunteer teams from companies, local government, schools, churches, civic groups and nonprofit agencies—94 teams in all—completed 91 projects throughout Union County.
Additional precautions were taken this year to ensure the health and safety of all volunteers and community members, including forgoing the traditional kickoff event with all volunteers at Wingate University. Teams also were encouraged to follow additional COVID-19 safety guidelines through their respective organizations.
“We’d like to thank all of the teams for showing up at United Way’s Day of Caring. The event looked a little different this year due to COVID-19, and keeping everyone safe was important for our team members and our community members who we provide this great community service to,” said Michelle Marcano, director of Union County Veterans Services and chair of the Union County Day of Caring Committee.
Teams participating this year included Wingate University, Union County Public Schools, Union County Government, City of Monroe, Truist, ATI Specialty Materials, Blumenthal Holdings, Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc. and Charlotte Pipe and Foundry Plastics Division, among many others. View the list of all participating teams at uwcentralcarolinas.org/union-county-day-of-caring/.
“The Monroe, NC family of Glenmark Pharmaceuticals is proud to participate in an event that serves the very community in which we all work and live,” said Christina Sigafus, director of human resources at Glenmark Pharmaceuticals Inc. “Glenmark has a long-standing tradition of service throughout the world and we look forward to future opportunities here in the Union County area to carry out this commitment.”
The majority of Day of Caring projects involved outdoor work and home touch-ups for elderly neighbors, such as pruning shrubs, cleaning gutters, window washing and trash pick-up. Other projects included hands-on work at a community garden and assisting with tasks at area nonprofit agencies.
United Way has 14 community partners in Union County focused on improving education, health and financial stability to ensure that children, individuals and families in the county have the greatest opportunity to fulfill their hopes and dreams for a brighter tomorrow.
The Day of Caring event traditionally has served as the launch for United Way’s campaign season. Over the years, the countywide event has grown into an annual celebration of neighbors helping neighbors. In the past 14 years, more than 14,800 volunteers have given their time, talent and commitment to provide neighbors in need with a little extra help.
“All of the volunteers and teams, collectively, have brought joy into the lives of neighbors and beautification to the community and we thank them for a job well done,” Marcano added. “We are so thankful to everyone who participated in Day of Caring 2021!”
Source: UWCC News
Date: September 2, 2021