Accessing Essential Mental Health Services in Union County
Strengthening the overall well-being of our community involves United Way of Central Carolinas’ support of efforts that reduce health disparities and increase access to health care for children and families, including those in Union County.
By providing access to primary care and mental health services and by aligning community-wide goals with expertise from a network of nonprofit partners, we are committed to helping individuals and families achieve optimal health and live independently and productively in our community.
Across our community, however, the costs associated with accessing primary care and mental health services can tip individuals and families into financially untenable conditions. Illness, chronic disease and mental health concerns may affect the emotional and financial well-being of individuals and families in significant and permanent ways.
Over 15 percent of adults age 18 to 64 in Union County don’t have health insurance, while six percent of children under age 18 are uninsured. (Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2018 Small Area Income and Poverty Estimates)
Providing comprehensive medical and mental health care to those with insufficient coverage goes beyond a doctor’s visit. It means helping people prevent, manage and treat all aspects of their health. It means giving them the information and resources needed to make healthy choices for their families.
To help address these needs, United Way nonprofit partners in Union County are increasing access to vital health care services to help children succeed and adults live full, productive lives.
In 2019-2020, over 2,000 people in Union County maintained or improved their health, including mental health, and over 1,700 people gained skills and knowledge to improve their health. (Source: United Way of Central Carolinas)
Turning Point, Inc. is the only organization in Union County that provides emergency and lifesaving resources for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and child abuse. An essential resource offered by the nonprofit is access to mental health support services and counseling.
“Professional counseling is a vital service that Turning Point provides to help survivors of abuse and violence heal and gain independent, violence-free lives. Our ability to provide this service is critical to our overall mission,” said Jessie Lindberg, executive director of Turning Point. “Turning Point’s partnership with United Way is not only incredibly impactful to our organization from a financial perspective, but also from a community perspective. We know that United Way unites our community to support the common good.”
Learn more about United Way’s impact and partnerships in Union County.