Let’s Chat! United Way Shares Its Focus on Financial Stability
United Way of Central Carolinas joined United Ways across the country on January 15, 2020 for a #UnitedWayChat Twitter discussion to share how we’re helping individuals and families in the Charlotte region achieve and maintain financially stable lives.
Q1. Why does your United Way focus on financial stability?
A1. We believe everyone should have the opportunity to acquire the knowledge, skills and resources they need to maintain permanent housing, pursue a successful career and achieve financial empowerment.
Q2. What is your United Way’s most important financial stability initiative?
A2. We know stability starts with safe, affordable, permanent housing. Without stable housing, establishing pathways toward economic advancement can be difficult. By providing people with the right tools, we can help them open doors to secure and maintain housing.
Q3. What is your United Way’s best financial stability success story? Can you share the story of an individual?
A3. After losing her job, Katrina and her two sons faced homelessness. That changed when United Way of Central Carolinas partner Charlotte Family Housing provided career counseling, budgeting and a path to safe, secure housing. Read Katrina’s story here.
Q4. How many people did your United Way serve through your financial stability work in 2019?
A4. Last year, working with community partners we helped:
*58,542 clients secure basic needs like food, clothing, shelter
*53,536 clients work toward financial stability & independence
*10,071 clients obtain and/or maintain safe, affordable housing
Q5. How has your United Way reached out to elected officials in support of financial stability?
A5. When we opened our Critical Need Relief Fund to donations in support of Lake Arbor families facing a housing crisis, we garnered financial assistance from the City of Charlotte and Mecklenburg County toward the effort. Read about the Lake Arbor effort here.
Q6. Tell us about a volunteer (group or individual) that has helped your United Way with financial stability work.
A6. Behind all our work are volunteers who get involved with projects to ensure people in our community stay on financial stable paths—whether it’s distributing food for neighbors in need or building tricycles to gift to children.
Q7. Share an example of news coverage your United Way has received for your financial stability work.
A7. Our investment of $26.4M into the community as part of our continued strategy focused on boosting economic mobility—to include financial stability! Read media coverage here.
Q8. Who are some of your United Way’s key nonprofit supporters and corporate partners for your financial stability work?
A8. We couldn’t fulfill our mission without generous corporate partners & nonprofit supporters! A few we’d like to recognize: Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Duke Energy, Ingersoll Rand, Atrium Health, Leading on Opportunity, The Knight Foundation, Gambrell Foundation and Foundation For The Carolinas.
View more of our engagement during the #UnitedWayChat on Twitter here.