United Way celebrates success of local accounting and consulting firms
Over the past year, accounting and consulting firms within the Charlotte region have joined United Way of Central Carolinas in helping to create stronger neighborhoods, improve the systems that serve children and families and provide basic needs support across our community.
The firms held United Way campaigns and provided opportunities for employees to give as part of the third annual United Way Accounting & Consulting Industry Cup Competition.
“I am very proud of the continued strong engagement and campaign results for the accounting and consulting sector – in fact, even with a challenged environment we are projecting a stronger campaign for the sector than last year,” said Bill Currens, Duke Energy senior vice president, financial planning and analysis, and who helps organize the annual competition. “The dedication of these companies to the community is amazing, especially during the current period of uncertainty when many in the community need our support more than ever. I offer a toast to each participating firm and especially our competition winners for this year.”
Firm of the Year (large firm) | Deloitte
This award recognizes a firm with more than 500 employees with an increase in total campaign contributions, while also considering overall employee participation and number of employees contributing at a leadership/Alexis de Tocqueville Society level.
Deloitte brings together people, clients, nonprofits and communities to develop innovative solutions around society’s most pressing issues, from today’s global pandemic to helping nonprofits deliver on their missions and innovate into the future. Through the Deloitte community, the firm aims to achieve lasting social impact for the greater good.
Firm of the Year (small firm) | GreerWalker LLP
This award recognizes a firm with fewer than 500 employees with an increase in total campaign contributions, while also considering overall employee participation and number of employees contributing at a leadership/Alexis de Tocqueville Society level.
GreerWalker is one of the leading accounting and business advisory firms based in the Carolinas. Over the past 30 years, the firm has developed a strong community service culture. As a business leader, GreerWalker believes it is vital to take an active role in making a difference in the communities where its employees live and work.
Rising Star (large firm) | Deloitte
This award recognizes a firm with more than 500 employees with increases in three areas: total campaign contributions, overall employee participation and number of employees contributing at a leadership/Alexis de Tocqueville Society level.
Deloitte’s purpose is to matter to its clients, its people, its communities and the world at large. The firm believes in making an impact that matters through corporate citizenship which drives measurable change in communities, inspires actions as societal leaders and accelerates positive, societal impact.
Rising Star (small firm) | GreerWalker LLP
This award recognizes a firm with fewer than 500 employees with increases in three areas: total campaign contributions, overall employee participation and number of employees contributing at a leadership/Alexis de Tocqueville Society level.
GreerWalker’s commitment to the community parallels the dedication to its clients and profession. As a complement to the personal and financial contributions of all staff and partners of GreerWalker to a wide range of institutions throughout the Carolinas, the firm has actively supported the annual fundraising campaigns of the United Way of Central Carolinas for many years.
Next Generation | Elliott Davis PLLC
This award recognizes a firm of any size and considers the number of new donors to the campaign, employee participation in United Way engagement groups and any increase in employees participating in leadership giving or the Alexis de Tocqueville Society.
Elliott Davis is dedicated to making a positive impact and takes the time to learn the needs of communities, develop a plan of action to address those needs and then execute the plan. Whether it is through financial donation or volunteerism, Elliott Davis consistently encourages and challenges employees to take their philanthropic efforts to the next level to ensure they are making the most of their time, talent and monetary investment.
Rookie of the Year | RGP
This award recognizes a firm of any size that has not run a United Way campaign in the past and considers overall employee participation and number of employees contributing at a leadership/Alexis de Tocqueville Society level.
RGP was founded to help finance executives with operational needs and special projects created by workforce gaps. Today’s new ecosystem for work embraces RGP’s founding principle: Quickly align the right resources for the work at hand with a premium placed on value, efficiency and ease of use.
Community Champion | Grant Thornton LLP
This award recognizes a firm of any size and considers overall employee participation and any increase in unrestricted donations to United Way.
For nearly 100 years, the people of Grant Thornton have been dedicated servants to its clients and caring stewards in its communities. The firm has worked earnestly to provide confidence to the financial markets that underpin the broader economy, to help clients succeed in their chosen fields and to ensure the business has a positive impact on the people and communities it serves.
Excellence in Leadership | Dixon Hughes Goodman LLP
This award recognizes a firm of any size and considers the campaign’s percentage of Alexis de Tocqueville Society donors, new leadership donors and employees participating in leadership giving or the Alexis de Tocqueville Society.
Dixon Hughes Goodman’s passion to serve goes well beyond the work the company does for its clients. The firm is enthusiastic about supporting the well-being of its employees as well as the broader community, encouraging inclusiveness and diversity, promoting environmental sustainability and championing philanthropy and volunteerism.