Deloitte and United Way: Working Together for the Common Good
By John Giannuzzi, Carolinas Managing Partner, Deloitte
I’m proud of the way Deloitte engages in community-building activities both here in the Carolinas and around the U.S. I’m particularly proud of our 30-plus-year commitment to United Way and the enthusiasm with which Deloitte professionals support this incredible organization via their time, talent, and treasure.
Let’s start with time and talent, which in my mind are inseparable. Pro bono investments are part of Deloitte’s commitment to leverage the collective intelligence and ambition of our people to help nonprofits develop innovative solutions to address their most critical issues and help drive transformational social outcomes.
Our commitment extends to service at the United Way organization. Deloitte professionals serve on 40-plus boards within the United Way network. In addition, our team here in Charlotte has supported the organization through board membership and skills-based volunteerism. Deloitte also financially supports various United Way projects, including an annual internship initiative and an executive leadership program, and Deloitte contributions have helped fund literacy support for children, employment for veterans and enrollment in exercise and nutrition programs.
Then there’s giving. For the past decade, Deloitte employees have donated $20 million annually on average to United Way’s workplace giving campaign. Across the organization, Deloitte boasts more than 500 professionals who belong to the Tocqueville Society, which means they give a minimum of $10,000 a year to the organization. Locally, Deloitte professionals have contributed over $1.1 million in the last three years to help United Way of Central Carolinas advance economic mobility and racial equity through place-based and grassroots solutions.
Deloitte itself has donated generously to several United Way programs, including $1 million to its World Health Initiative (2019), $1 million to Health Equity (2021), and $500,000 for COVID-19 relief in India (2021).
During the pandemic, Deloitte and its professionals generously supported the Charlotte community by giving $150,000 to the COVID-19 Relief Fund. The fund, a partnership between Foundation For The Carolinas and United Way of Central Carolinas, was launched in March to support local nonprofits serving those impacted by the pandemic. The Fund raised and distributed nearly $24 million, which was allocated in eight rounds of grants over the course of 15 months. In all, 237 local nonprofit agencies received critical support to address the incredible disruption to local lives and livelihoods caused by the virus.
Exceptional organizations are led by a purpose. At Deloitte, our purpose is to make an impact that matters by creating trust and confidence in a more equitable society. United Way, through its myriad of programs, aims to do exactly that. We’re not only proud to be part of its work; we’re grateful.
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