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Reflections of a United Way Campaign Associate: Mac Ingland

Campaign associates function as extensions of United Way’s Resource Development team in coordinating employee fundraising campaigns and soliciting employee pledges throughout the Charlotte region. Although seasonal employees, campaign associates are an important part of United Way’s work and play a vital role in successful employee campaigns.


Here, Mac Ingland reflects on his time as a United Way campaign associate during the fall 2019 campaign season.


I wasn’t sure what to expect when I accepted the campaign associate position with United Way of Central Carolinas.


It wasn’t that I had concerns in any way, I was just unsure of what this experience would bring. So, little did I know that I would be impacted in such great ways, both personally and professionally.


This position has exposed me to what I confidently consider to be objectively important issues, and ones that are happening in my own backyard: homelessness, affordable housing, racial equity and more.


As I grew to be a bit more educated on the reality of the needs of Charlotte, I was simultaneously struck with a sense of pride for the community and pride for being a part of United Way, a real change agent. It has been incredibly rewarding to be a part of real conversations about real issues that are affecting lives around us and to have a tiny part in improving them.


Additionally, I have been able to cater my campaign associate experience to fit my professional goals like seeking opportunities in relationship management. I have been able to shadow individuals and actually perform relationship manager duties to enhance my marketable skills like account management, public speaking and strategic planning.


With this experience at United Way, I have secured a full-time position with a reputable company that involves similar responsibilities. This campaign associate role has aided my credibility with the hiring committee and will help me in my future role.


The campaign associate team also has been a treat to work with. It has been beneficial to have individuals who each come from a different walk of life and bring different skills to the table so that it ultimately aids the Resource Development department in achieving its goals.


Additionally, it has been rewarding to have quality relationships with other campaign associates so we could easily find ourselves talking about anything from fantasy football to the racial divides in universities. I have been very happy to see a strategy for hiring for culture as well as skill in this organization.


As I continue to reflect on what made my experience great with United Way, I must acknowledge the incredible staff. Never have I worked with such passion-filled and purpose-driven individuals.


Tis the nature of the business, I suppose, to be surrounded by people like this when working for a nonprofit. However, I have rarely felt the raw and authentic nature in my colleagues when working in the corporate world.


I have collaborated with and listened to some true leaders at United Way, and that’s not because of their job title. There is a spirit of boldness and authenticity within United Way and I have to believe there is a trickle-down effect that takes place from leadership to staff, as well as from leadership to partner agencies. The change we want to see in our agencies and in the community starts with us.


Learn more about ways to join the United Way team.