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Regions Bank Invests in ‘Being an Everyday Hero’
Regions Bank is committed to making meaningful impact in the communities in which its employees live, work and serve, from the company’s dedication to helping improve economic mo
GreerWalker LLP Champions a Culture of Community Service
GreerWalker LLP is committed to making a difference in the communities where its employees live and work, championing community involvement as a foundation of the firm. For
Get the Answers: FAQs about the 2020 U.S. Census
Census Day is April 1, 2020 and we’re spreading the word about how important the census is to our community. The census brings valuable resources to the Charlotte region,
Let’s Chat! United Way Shares the Impact of 211
United Way of Central Carolinas joined United Ways across the country for a #UnitedWayChat on February 5, 2020 to share how 211 connects our community to vital services, dives into
When the Crisis Hits Home
Dear United Way Family, In July of 2019, Lake Arbor’s property management company informed residents of nearly 150 apartments that they would have to vacate their homes by
Elevating a Racial Equity Focus with United Way’s Newest Learning Community
As part of United Way of Central Carolinas’ commitment to elevating diverse perspectives, championing inclusive programs and advancing equitable outcomes, in February 2020 a doze
How 1,000 Volunteers Joined United Way to Honor Dr. King
Audrey Johnson and Briell McCoy love giving back to their community. Wanting to get involved through service during the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, the friends spent an aft
Let’s Chat! United Way Shares Its Focus on Financial Stability
United Way of Central Carolinas joined United Ways across the country on January 15, 2020 for a #UnitedWayChat Twitter discussion to share how we’re helping individuals and famil
Making It Count: The 2020 U.S. Census
Have you heard about the 2020 Census? United Way is spreading the word about how important the census is to our community. Why? Because the census brings valuable res
Reflections of a United Way Campaign Associate: Ryan Harris
Campaign associates function as extensions of United Way’s Resource Development team in coordinating employee fundraising campaigns and soliciting employee pledges throughout the